BAUCAU (22 December 2022) ---- Representative of the President of APORTIL I.P, Director of Human Resources, Mr. Jose da C. da Costa accompanied by the Director-General of Administration and Finance, Ministry of Transport and Communications (DGAF-MTC) Mr. Albino Maia Barreto and Secretary of State for Equality and Inclusion (SEII) Dr. Maria do Rosario Fatima Correia, the opening of the socialisation of the Gender Implementation Policy with the General theme "Development of Gender Implementation Policy in the Public Transport Area and Security for Inclusive Change" in the Municipality of Baucau.
Socialisation of the Gender Implementation Policy conducted by the National Gender and Social Inclusion Working Group (GTGNIS) formed by the Ministry of Transport and Communications (MTC) together with the Secretary of State for Equality and Inclusion (SSEI) to undertake socialisation of the Gender Implementation Policy.
The objective of the Socialization is to share information to the communities, especially to the Public Transport drivers, Rural Women, Children, Persons with Disabilities (PwD) and lesbian Gay Bisexual Transgender (LGBT) in order to ensure access to public roads and accessibility of Public Transport.
In this socialisation, materials were presented by the National Directorate of Transport and Land (DNTT) to beneficiaries such as Public Transport drivers, Rural Women, Children, EhD and LGBT to learn more about access to public roads and accessibility of Public Transport as well as animated playing the Violence play by the Students.
In the socialisation was also attended by the Local Authorities, such as the Representative of the President of the Baucau Municipality Authority, Post Administrators,Village Chiefs in the villages, Women Potential, Institute of Religion including beneficiaries of Rural Women, Children, EhD and LGBT.